Life is messy
With its loss, betrayal, deceits and pains
But love makes it worth it
With its joys, friendships, trust and comfort
And though pain and loss are inevitable
Anger, bitterness, depression, and self-loathing are not
We always have a choice …
We can choose to learn what we were never taught
As we have felt the sting of life’s reality
As we see through our cracked lenses
As our shattered hearts build a wall around us
As we find blame for our lives, in others
We can look deeper in the mirror
Seeing the child within
Not just in ourselves
But others that have wronged us
Through our brokenness and pain
We still have a choice
As long as there is breath in our being
Opportunity is present
Life is messy, yes
Love is worth is, yes
Forgiveness is kindness
And love…well, love is everything
D. Mitchell