Our Sacred Awakenings
Where Science, Spirituality
and Health Meet
Professional Story
If you believe it will work out, you’ll see opportunities. If you believe it won’t, you will see obstacles.
~ Wayne Dyer
I am a student of life & hope to continue learning as long as I'm here. Every moment reminds me of how much I truly do not know.
My Professional Story ...
My origin story starts off with the love of words, poetry, theater, and music, including dance, music production & collaboration. I had the honor and privilege of working with some extremely talented musicians, dancers, stage performers and producers, that inspired me.
I found Chemistry, World Religions and Ethics fascinating, which led to more studies. I eventually returned to my roots of Holistic Medicine, Naturopathy, and Herbal Medicine; leaning into Midwifery, Homeopathy and Body Work.
After a stint as a volunteer at a Domestic Violence Shelter; Domestic Violence Counseling & Advocacy became a passion. Eventually pioneering the first DV Advocacy Program for King & Snohomish Counties, creating a DV Training Program for King and Snohomish County's Police and Sheriff's Dept.,
I had a Private Practice for Holistic Health, Resonance Healing, Midwifery, Herbal Medicine, Homeopathy, Wholistic Mental Health and Integrated Body Work for many years.
My curiosities led me into the world of Integrated Medicine Education
Which formally introduced me into the world of Allopathic Medicine and Nursing.
I've met so many amazing people. throughout my career. I love being able to travel and learn at the same time.
I've had the pleasure of being The Director/Founder of a Health and Wellness Program, at a Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Center, the Director of a Nursing Facility, as well as a Home Health and Hospice Nurse.
I was blessed to attend Mahareshi University, learning more about the Mind-Body connection, Meditation and Nutrition. I've learned the ways of EFT, NLP, Reiki, Body Work, Family and Trauma Therapy, I am an Ordained Minister, a Nutritional and Wellness Counselor & Coach, as well as a Kinesiologist Practitioner.
Along the way I became a student of Buddhism, Christianity, Native Practices, and World Religions. I've studied Karma, Hatha, Iyengar and Ashtanga Yoga and have been a Practitioner for over 30 years. I am a student of many different Meditation Techniques. I've been a part of mass meditations, as well as, Guided and Holographic Imagery groups
I've studied Mind-Body Connection through the Holistic Lens, taught and used Music Therapy, as well as, Sound Healing Groups. I've trained in Resonance and Vibrational Healing Therapies. I've been a student of Shiatsu massage and Trigger Point Release Body Work, Chakra and Energy Techniques, Acupressure and I've studied at the HeartMath Institute.
With some amazing human beings I became the Executive Director, Program Director and Manager on the ground floor of Transitional Housing Programs for Women and Children along with counseling and support services for SRA Victims, Trafficked and Cult Survivors.
I feel so blessed to have been trusted by so many beautiful people that have crossed my path.
I know there is so much I do not know! I am beyond honored to have been a small part of each and every one of these modalities, but moreover, that I had the honor to get to know people at a deep human level.
Life is the adventure!
I am not just a believer that for every dis-ease has a solution, I have seen the evidence of such and am a practitioner of it. I am also a believer that all you need to know is already inside you. Because of this belief, I have witnessed miracles. Because of this, I ask that you follow YOUR intuition. That you allow yourself to find the right support that opens the doors to what you are seeking. Letters after a name mean nothing, if they are not the right fit for you! Ultimately, you are the master of your fate.
My wish is ...
That all who are seeking, are supported in becoming the best version of themselves, while living life to its fullest!
It's time to wake up! It's time to bloom! This is your time!
I hope you can give yourself permission to listen to that "still small voice" and act on what you know is right for you!
Here's to being our best selves and to living this life to its fullest!
In Gratitude and Love,
~ Dr. D